Workers' Compensation Services

Raising The Standard’s unique experience has seen the successful appeal [up to and including the WSIAT level] of such a wide range of Workers’ Compensation issues as: Claims Entitlement, Employer Classification, Workwell, SIEF, Experience Rating, and WS&IB Revenue Audits.


  • New Employer Registration Assistance
  • Assessment & Classification Review
  • Independent Operator Status
  • WS&IB Financial Audit Services (pre and post audit assistance)
  • Experience Rating Analysis and Support
  • Claims Management Services
  • Experience Rating Cost Recovery Programs
  • Workwell Audit Assistance
  • Return-to-Work Programs and Assistance
  • Appeal Representation in all areas (claims, revenue, audits, SIEF, etc., up to and including the WSIAT level
  • Appeal Research Assistance
  • WS&IB Legislative Compliance Audits