Supervisor and General Safety Training

Supervisor Safety Training – 2-day course
$600.00 per person (min. 5 people)

We provide two Supervisor Safety Training Programs. One is called START which stands for Supervisors Training in Accident Reduction Technics and it teaches the Supervisors their respective levels of accountability in the event of an incident. It also talks about what is a safety culture and shares the true cost of incidents and the direct impact on the project and/or company's bottom line.

The other program is called On the Front Lines. It goes from the perspective of a company that thought they were doing well and had recently won a safety award and then had a significant incident. It goes to show the type of mentality that Management personnel as well as field personnel go through, especially when it's somebody that they all know. This program also teaches about incident costs and EMR rates and how it relates to the company's overall ability to bid competitively on projects.

All training sessions can be presented on-site at any location/state (including and of the Hawaii state islands).

( Lanai , Kauai , Oahu , Maui , Molokai and Hawaii (Big Island ))

*A substantial discount will be given for large groups. Please call for special group pricing.

Please note: training occurring on weekends and holidays will be subject to an additional 25% rate increase.