Emergency Disaster

Emergency Disaster, Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Let Raising the Standard Consulting Inc. assist you in preparing an Emergency Management Program that will incorporate all emergency management activities including prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.

Outline of our template program:

Document Control:

  • Reviews, Revisions, and Approvals
    • Content Authority: Captain of the Emergency Response Team
    • Approved by: Plant Manager
    • Rev #
    • Issue date
    • Reviewed annually and after each emergency event including near misses
  • Emergency Management Program Manual Distribution
  • Definitions and Acronyms
  • Emergency Management Program Introduction:
    • Facility Description
      • General Description of Operations
      • Site Plan Identifying
        • hazardous materials storage areas,
        • hazardous processes,
        • other hazards,
        • preparedness supplies
        • evacuation routes
        • etc.
    • Purpose of Emergency Management Program:
      • To ensure the effective management of potential accident and emergency situations including:
        • Emergency prevention
        • Emergency preparedness
        • Emergency response
        • Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity
    • Overview of Emergency Management Program
      • Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities

      Emergency Management Program Coordinator: The Captain of the Emergency Response Team has overall responsibility for emergency preparedness and response and for the ERT. The EMP Coordinator has the authority to implement this program within the limits of the program budget, subject to the organization's financial approval procedures.

      Emergency Management Program Committee: The EMP Committee acts as a resource for, and provides support to the EMP Coordinator. The EMP Committee consists of:

      • EMP Program Coordinator
      • Plant Manager
      • Finance and Asset Manager
      • Public Relations Manager
      • Production Manager
      • Warehouse / Distribution Manager
      • Maintenance Manager
      • Engineering Manager
      • Environmental Coordinator
      • H&S Coordinator

      Refer to the EMP Committee Terms of Reference procedure for detailed responsibilities

      • EMP Document Structure


      • The Emergency Management Policy establishes the overall commitment to emergency prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery

      Prevention and Preparedness

      • Emergency prevention & preparedness are addressed in applicable operating procedures and in applicable training programs
      • Emergency preparedness is also addressed in the Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual, associated procedures, emergency equipment inspection checklists (sprinklers, spill kits, etc.) and in the ERT Procedure, which describes ERT activities including training, drills, and meetings


      • Emergency response is addressed by the Emergency Response Plan (contained in the Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual) and in related Emergency Response Procedures

      Recovery and Business Continuity

      • Disaster recovery and business restoration is addressed in the Disaster Recovery Manual, which discusses:
        • Disaster Recovery Team
        • Backup of Critical Information
        • Critical equipment list
        • Critical personnel list
        • Alternative equipment & facilities
        • etc.
  • Emergency Management Policy
    The company must be committed to maintaining Emergency Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Disaster Recovery capabilities that address all actual and potential accident and emergency situations that may be related to its operations.
  • Emergency Management Program Objectives, Targets & Performance Indicators.
    • Objectives:
      • To eliminate all accidents and emergencies.
      • To ensure effective response to all accidents and emergencies.
      • To ensure prompt business restoration and business continuity
    • Targets & Performance Indicators:
      • Refer to EMS manual section 4.3.3 for current targets & implementation plans
  • Emergency Management Program Monitoring & Measurement
    • Refer to EMS manual section 4.3.3 for current targets & programs and section 4.5.1 for monitoring & measurement
  • Emergency Management Program Communications and Reporting
  • Communications during an emergency are described in the Emergency Response Plan and Procedures and include:
    • Initial Alert (internal and external)
    • ERT Communications Systems (radios, cell phones and satellite phones)
    • Regulatory reporting
    • Internal reporting
    • News media communications
    • Communications with immediate neighbors and the public
    • Communications with employees and their families

The EMP Coordinator is responsible for reporting to the Plant Manager the status of the Emergency Management Program and associated objectives and targets and other relevant performance indicators.

Emergency Contact Lists are maintained by the Manager of Human Resources and are located in the Emergency Response Plan

  • Emergency Management Program Audit
    • The EMP Coordinator is responsible to arrange an annual Emergency Management Program Audit, which will include an Emergency Preparedness audit based on Annex L of CAN/CSA-Z731-03
    • The EMP Committee will review the results of the audit and make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions and for improvements.
  • Emergency Management Program Details
  • Emergency Prevention
    • Emergency Prevention is the responsibility of all personnel in the workplace including contractors and visitors.
    • Emergency Prevention measures are integrated into operating procedures where applicable.
    • Specific emergency prevention procedures include:
      • hot work permit system
      • workplace inspection procedures
      • preventive maintenance procedures
      • hazardous material storage procedures and facilities including:
        • Safe Operating Procedures for production and maintenance
        • Storage & Handling of Flammable & Combustible Liquids
        • Storage & Handling of Combustible Materials
        • Storage & Handling of Compressed Gases & Chemicals

Emergency Preparedness:

  • Identification of Potential Accidents and Emergency Situations
  • Potential accidents and emergency situations are identified in various ways including:
    • Annual aspects review process
    • Workplace inspections such as monthly housekeeping inspection; preventive maintenance inspections; crane, fork truck, handtool, ladder, scaffold, and ladder inspections; annual fire department inspections; annual insurance company inspections; supervisor observations; worker observations; and others
    • A Hazard Registry is maintained according to section 1.0 of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual
  • Emergency preparedness facilities, resources, and procedures:
    • Emergency preparedness facilities, resources, and procedures are defined in the Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual.
  • Interface with Municipal Response Organizations
  • Mutual Aid Agreements
  • Emergency Response Plan and Procedure Testing and Drills
    • Emergency response procedures are tested on a regular basis according to a confidential, impromptu schedule at the discretion of the Manager of Emergency Response
    • Refer to the Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual for details
  • Emergency Response:
    • Hazard Identification and Evaluation
      • Refer to the Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual for details
      • Includes natural disasters and events caused by human activities
  • Emergency Response Plan:
    • Refer to the Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual for details
  • Emergency Response Procedures
    • Refer to the Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual.
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Administration
  • Training
    • Training includes:
      • Employee awareness
      • Employee response
      • ERT response
      • Contractors
      • Training Drills
    • Refer to the Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual for details
  • Records
  • Forms and Checklists


Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual

  • Document Control
  • Reviews, Revisions, and Approvals
    • Content Authority: Captain of the Emergency Response Team
    • Approved by: Plant Manager
    • Rev #
    • Issue date
    • Reviewed annually and after each emergency event including near misses
  • Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual Distribution
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Definitions and Acronyms
  • Hazard Registry
  • Emergency preparedness facilities, resources, and procedures include:
    • Spill Kits & Supplies
    • Alarms Systems
      • Description of Alarms
      • Inspection, Testing & Maintenance of Alarm Systems
    • Sprinklers and Fire Suppression Systems
    • Description of Fire Suppression Systems
    • Inspection, Testing & Maintenance of Sprinklers
    • Inspection, Testing & Maintenance of CO 2 Systems
    • Emergency Response Team
    • Emergency Training and Drills
      • Training
        • As defined in the emergency preparedness & response training matrix
        • Emergency Response Training
        • Emergency Awareness Training
      • Exercises and Drills
        • Evacuation Drills
        • Table Top Exercises
        • CPR, Defibrillator, and other drills
        • Synthetic Exercises
        • Operational Exercises (Communications, Major – full scale exercises)
    • Equipment Inspection and Maintenance
    • Emergency response equipment and supplies as defined in the equipment and supplies master list
    • Communication Systems
    • Interface with Municipal Response Organizations
    • Mutual Aid Agreements
    • Emergency Response Plan and Procedure Testing and Drills
      • Emergency response procedures are tested on a regular basis according to a confidential, impromptu schedule at the discretion of the Manager of Emergency Response
    • Public Education and Information


Emergency Response Plan:

Note: This “Plan” includes the steps that will take place no matter what the emergency situation is. This is an “action plan” that may include various procedures such as evacuation and spill response which will result from the “situation assessment” step and that action plan will be constantly revisited and adjusted as the situation changes (for example other procedures such as the “fire response procedure” may have to be introduced if a fire starts or appears to be an imminent possibility).

CSA Z731-03 Annex defines exactly what must happen at the scene of the emergency. These steps are controlled by the Incident Commander.

  • Definitions and Acronyms
  • Emergency Response
    • Alarm initiated:
      • An emergency may be annunciated by:
        • activating any fire alarm pull station, which are located at each exit (this will initiate a facility-wide evacuation and a response from the fire department)
        • verbally calling for help
    • Situation Assessment and Initial Response:
      • The ERT Captain is dispatched to all accidents and emergency situations
      • The ERT Captain assesses the situation and determines a situation specific action plan by initiating the appropriate emergency response procedures for the situation such as:
        • Evacuation
        • Spill and Release Response
        • Fire Response
        • Medical Response
        • Confined Space Rescue Response
        • Severe Weather Response
        • Bomb Threat Response
        • Vehicle Accident Response
        • Other Response
    • ERT Captain mobilizes the ERT and any other resources required including external resources
    • The ERT Captain completes required notification and reporting or delegates the duties as required to the Environmental Coordinator and / or H&S Coordinator.
    • The Plant Manager is responsible for communications with corporate offices.
  • Incident Management
      • Incident Command Centre
        The ERT Captain establishes an incident command centre at a safe location near the scene of the event.
      • Emergency Operations Centre
        If the situation requires, the Emergency Operations Centre is implemented
      • Incident Commander
        • The ERT Captain assigns an Incident Commander, who will manage the response in cooperation with the ERT Captain
        • The ERT Captain will support the Incident Commander and liaise with the Emergency Operations Centre and top management as required.
      • Site Safety and Security
    • Communication and Reporting
      • General
        • The ERT Captain will complete all reporting as defined in associated procedures.
        • Emergency Contact List (refer to Annex A)
    • Public Communications
    • Notification and Reporting
      • The ERT Captain will review all emergency responses and determine if emergency plans and procedures require revision

•  Restoring Normal Business Operations:

      • Damage Assessment
      • Declaring the End of the Emergency
        • General
          • the ERT Captain will determine when the emergency situation has been mitigated and will declare a return to work order.
          • the ERT Captain is responsible to ensure that all environmental damage has been mitigated
          • the Plant Manager is responsible for declaring that all phases of an emergency situation have been completely managed including restoration and claims management based on input from the Emergency Program Committee
        • Review and Debriefing
          • The ERT Captain is responsible to ensure that emergency events and near misses are reviewed
      • Critical Incident Stress Management
      • Claims Management
        • The Finance and Asset Manager works with the Emergency Program Committee to ensure insurance and other claims are managed.
  • References:
      • Response Procedures (and work instructions) – Appendix 1
        Reporting procedures – Appendix 2
        Inspection and maintenance procedures – Appendix 3
      • Etc.
  • Records


Appendix 1:

Response procedures will include a variety of procedures that can be combined to respond to different situations. They will include procedures such as:

  • Evacuation
  • Spill Response
    • Oil skimmer deployment work instruction
    • Containment boom deployment work instruction
    • Acid neutralization work instruction
    • Etc.
  • Fire Response
    • Foam cannon field maintenance
    • Etc.
  • Medical Response
  • Bomb Threat
  • Flood Response
  • Severe Weather Response
  • Workplace Violence Response
  • Etc. - as appropriate for the organization

The term “procedure” is used to mean a document that addresses a broader subject matter with a more general level of detail. The term “work instruction” is used to mean a document that addresses a more specific (narrower) task in complete detail step by step. Many procedures will be supported by one or more work instructions that provide more detail where required on the topics discussed in the procedure this approach makes the procedures easier to follow by keeping the detail that not everyone needs to know separated.

Guidelines are less prescriptive than procedures and work instructions they give “boundaries” or conditions that must be met and the results that must be achieved, but they do not totally limit the methods that may be used to achieve those results. This list is not in any particular order. It is intended to emphasize that a Spill Procedure cannot possibly cover all the information that is needed to respond to a spill.

Procedures, work instructions, documents and sources of information that may be required to respond to a Spill to the River of flammable product during ship loading:

  1. Records of quantities on board the ship or in the tank that is feeding the ship
  2. Spill Response Procedure
  3. Fire Response Procedures
  4. Notification procedure(s)
  5. Communication Procedures (including radio frequency requirements, etc.)
  6. Checklists for any of the procedures / work instructions noted in this list
  7. Decontamination Work Instruction
  8. Site security procedures (including security clearance requirements for responders)
  9. All OH&S Procedures and Work Instructions (e.g. heat or cold stress, ergonomics, critical stress management, etc.)
  10. Boat and Motor Operating Work Instruction
  11. Floating Boom Deployment Work Instruction
  12. Floating Skimmer Operation and Field Maintenance Work Instruction
  13. Pump Operation and Field Maintenance Work Instruction
  14. Portable Generator / Compressor Operation and Field Maintenance Work Instruction
  15. Waste disposal Work Instruction
  16. Waste Classification Work Instruction
  17. Maps, water levels information, river flow and current information
  18. Weather information including wind directions and speeds
  19. Dispersion Models
  20. Public Protection (scene security) Work Instruction
  21. Ship Evacuation Procedure
  22. Community Evacuation Procedures (including shelters and food, water, medical needs)
  23. Community Drinking Water Supply Response Procedure
  24. Chemical Compatibility Guidelines (P.P.E., Pumps, hoses, waste containers)
  25. Respirator Selection Guidelines
  26. SCBA Fill Work Instruction
  27. MSDS's
  28. Fish and Wildlife management guidelines
  29. SCUBA Diving Work Instruction (repairs?)
  30. Water Safety Work Instruction
  31. Water Rescue Work Instruction
  32. Confined Space Entry Work Instruction
  33. Water Sampling and Analysis Work Instruction
  34. Mutual Aid Procedures
  35. News Media Procedures
  36. Public Communication Procedures
  37. Contact List
  38. ICC procedure & checklists
  39. EOC procedure & checklists
  40. Debriefing Work Instruction
  41. Safety Briefing Work Instruction
  42. Site Orientation Work Instruction
  43. ERG 2004
  44. Training records for responders to ensure assignments are appropriate (i.e. who has confined space entry training.
  45. NFPA Guidelines (e.g. for application of fire suppressant)
  46. Dispersion Models
  47. Helicopter Work Instruction
  48. Vacuum Truck Procedures
  49. Worker Compensation Procedures
  50. TDG and WHMIS information


Emergency Planning for the Home

Emergencies and disasters can happen at any time. Utilities can be out, roads closed, and crucial supplies unavailable. While local, state and federal officials prepare for emergencies, individuals can plan to be prepared at home and at work.

With increased levels of fear and anxiety throughout the United States and the world, it makes sense to prepare for the unexpected. Everyone should be prepared to take care of themselves and their families for up to three days in the event of an emergency or disaster. For example, it could take that long to clear roads due to a severe winter storm.

The following are recommended guidelines to assist you in gathering items you should have on hand. Everyone in your family should know where these items are stored.

Finally, if you are ever in an emergency situation, Don't Panic . People have survived three days without water and three weeks without food. Your home can take three hours or more to cool off completely in the winter.



Think of any special needs your family might have and include any other items you would need. Here are some suggestions:


  • diapers
  • bottled milk
  • formula and food
  • toys
  • crayons and paper

Other family members

  • one week's supply of any required medications
  • extra eye glasses
  • batteries for medical appliances
  • extra oxygen cylinder (if required)
  • copies of prescriptions


  • three day supply of food and water


Emergency food and water kit

Have at least a three-day supply of food and water. Choose ready-to-eat foods that don't need refrigeration. Also keep in mind that if the utilities are out and you have no alternate cooking source, you should select foods that won't require cooking.

  • three-day supply of water - at least four liters per person per day - two for drinking and two for food preparation, hygiene and dish washing. Keep a supply of water purification tablets as well.
  • canned food: soups, stews, baked beans, meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruit
  • pasta
  • crackers and biscuits
  • honey
  • peanut butter
  • syrup
  • jam
  • salt and pepper
  • sugar
  • instant coffee and tea

Replace canned and dry goods once a year.


  • knives, forks, spoons
  • disposable cups and plates
  • manual can opener, bottle opener
  • fuel stove and fuel (follow manufacturer's instructions) - do not use a barbecue indoors
  • waterproof matches and plastic garbage bags
  • pocket knife or multi tool

Survival Equipment Kit

  • flashlight and batteries (in case the lights go out)
  • radio and batteries or crank radio (so you can listen to news bulletins)
  • spare batteries (for radio and flashlight)
  • first-aid kit
  • candles and matches/lighter
  • extra car keys and cash (including coins/cards for telephone)
  • important papers (identification for everyone, personal documents such as insurance papers)
  • food and bottled water (see "emergency food and water kit")
  • clothing and footwear (one change of clothes per person)
  • blankets or sleeping bags (one blanket or sleeping bag per person)
  • toilet paper and other personal supplies such as shampoo, hairbrush, tooth brush and toothpaste, soap and a towel and face cloth (one for each person)
  • medication
  • backpack/duffel bag (or something else to carry the emergency survival kit in, in case you have to evacuate)
  • whistle (in case you need to attract someone's attention)
  • playing cards, games

 Car Survival Equipment Kit

  • shovel
  • sand, salt or kitty litter
  • traction mats
  • tow chain
  • compass
  • cloth or roll of paper towels
  • warning light or road flares
  • extra clothing and footwear
  • emergency food pack
  • axe or hatchet
  • booster cables
  • ice scraper and brush
  • road maps
  • matches and a 'survival' candle in a deep can (to warm hands, heat a drink or use as an emergency light)
  • fire extinguisher
  • methyl hydrate (for fuel line and windshield de-icing)
  • flashlight
  • first-aid kit with seatbelt cutter
  • blanket (special 'survival' blankets are best)

Emergency Information:

911 Name, Telephone Number and/or Contact Information

my name

my phone number

my address

my city

nearest intersection to my house

Emergency Telephone Number and/or Contact Information


fire department



poison control

children's hospital

family doctor




mother's work

father's work

other's work

other relatives


out-of-town contact person

out-of-state contact person


daycare centre


elementary school

high school

gas company

hydro company

telephone company





family lawyer


bank or financial advisor

insurance agent


emergency roadside assistance



weather reports

road conditions

snow removal

animal control

disaster clean-up company

crisis hotline

social worker

health department

