Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) Prep Course


3-day course
$850.00 per person (min. 5 people)

Our experienced safety professionals will assist you in the preparation for the examination by giving participants a brief overview of the certification and the certification process. Each participant is guided through the completion of their application and documentation required in order to submit a complete application.

Topics covered include: how to use the workbook, CHST examination and history, how to select a calculator, reference material, description and analysis of the CHST examination, about the computer examination, calculator warm up exercises, scientific and engineering notation, signed numbers, formula transpositions, unit conversions, conversion questions, conversion answers, math questions, math answers, gas laws, chemistry, physics questions, physics answers, OSHA 300, statistics, equations used most often.

Instruction is presented on topical matters to pass the certification examination. This instruction consists of both lecture and group discussion. On completion of the instruction, participants are given a mock examination to review materials presented and prepare them for the actual testing protocol.

All training sessions can be presented on-site in any location/state (including any of the Hawaii state islands).

( Lanai , Kauai , Oahu , Maui , Molokai and Hawaii (Big Island ))

*A substantial discount will be given for large groups. Please call for special group pricing.

Please note: training occurring on weekends and holidays will be subject to an additional 25% rate increase.