Public Safety Training


$850.00 per person (min. 5 people)

Our experienced safety professionals will assist you in the preparation for the examination by giving participants a brief overview of the certification and the certification process. Each participant is guided through the completion of their application and documentation required in order to submit a complete application.


Topics covered include: how to use the workbook, OHST examination and history, how to select a calculator, reference material, description and analysis of the OHST examination, about the computer examination, calculator warm up exercises, scientific and engineering notation, signed numbers, formula transpositions, unit conversions, conversion questions, conversion answers, math questions, math answers, gas laws, chemistry, physics questions, physics answers, OSHA 300, statistics, equations used most often.


Instruction is presented on topical matters to pass the certification examination. This instruction consists of both lecture and group discussion. On completion of the instruction, participants are given a mock examination to review materials presented and prepare them for the actual testing protocol.

$500.00 per person (min. 6 people)

This course covers the required skills needed to train the elements of the first aid/CPR/AED training.

$850.00 per person (min. 5 people)

Participants are given a brief overview of the certification and the certification process. Each participant is guided through the completion of their application and documentation required in order to submit a complete application.

Instruction is presented on topical matters relevant to the particular certification examination. This instruction consists of both lecture and group discussion. On completion of the instruction, participants are given a mock examination to review materials presented and prepare them for the actual testing protocol.

  • The Safety Trained Supervisor in Construction Course will meet the Examination Blue Print changes of the Board of Safety Professionals 2011. Topics include:
  • Conduct risk assessments by performing pre - task hazard analyses and evaluating personal protective equipment (PPE), tools, equipment, and job expectations, in order to mitigate hazardous conditions and minimize the risk of incident or injury.
  • Confirm that employees have the necessary job - specific technical skills and qualifications by observing work practices or reviewing training records in order to ensure competent staff.
  • Ensure that personnel in the work area are oriented to safety and health considerations by communicating hazardous conditions and monitoring behaviors in order to help ensure that applicable rules and emergency action plans are understood.
  • Evaluate work practices by observing employees' behavior and their use of PPE, tools, and equipment in order to minimize the risk of incident or injury and to comply with applicable standards.
  • Ensure safety and health standards are implemented through coaching and by correcting observed deficiencies in order to maintain a safe and healthful work environment.
  • Take appropriate action when confronted with unsafe acts and conditions by exercising stop -work authority, modifying tasks, escalating issues to higher management, consulting with qualified professionals (when the matter is outside the scope of the supervisor's capabilities, etc.) and disciplining employees in order to minimize the risk of incident or injury.
  • Facilitate a positive, proactive safety culture by anticipating hazards, modeling and coaching safe behavior, reporting incidents, encouraging employee participation, and communicating performance measures in order to enhance safety and health.
  • Evaluate employees using safety performance and behavior as key criteria in order to hold employees accountable for safety.
  • Participate in investigations that determine causes, identify corrective actions, document lessons learned, and address employee concerns using recognized investigation techniques in order to minimize the risk of workplace incidents.
  • Verify the effectiveness of emergency action plans through training and practice in order to ensure effective response in crises.
  • Coordinate operations and work processes with other supervisors by communicating effectively in order to minimize risk.
  • Perform safety and health related record keeping in accordance with applicable standards using established procedures in order to document essential processes.
  • Comply with company and STS codes of ethics by resolving issues consistently with these.

Course materials will consist of lecture materials accompanied by PowerPoint slides containing content consistent with the applicable examination and standards and best practice.


$175.00 per person (min. 5 people)

$175.00 per person (min. 5 people)

This 8-hour Competent Person Course will meet the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1.

$175.00 per person (min. 5 people)

This 8-hour Competent Person Course will meet the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1.

$225.00 per person (min. 6 people)

This 8-hour Competent Person Course will meet the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1 and will cover:

  • Being able to identify the differences between a non-permit confined space and a permit-
    required confined space
  • Understanding the responsibilities of an Attendant, Entrant and Entry SupervisorThe hazards of working within a confined space
  • Equipment needed to safely work within a confined space
  • How and Who creates  a permit if a space is deemed Permit Required Confined Space
  • How to set up the emergency rescue equipment
  • Competent Person responsibilities
  • Proper signage and delineation of the work areas

$75.00 per person (min. 5 people)

This 2-hour course will cover the following information:

  • OSHA Electrical Standard Information 
  • Definitions of electricity
  • Inspection Requirements
  • Documentation of inspections
  • Maintenance Requirements for Flexible (extension) cords 

$75.00 per person (min. 5 people)

This 2-hour Fall Protection Awareness Safety Course identifies the types of fall protection and is designed to help employees recognize and correct fall hazards in the workplace before an accident can occur.

$175.00 per person (min. 6 people)

This 8-hour Fall Protection Competent Person Safety Course will provide an understanding of fall protection with a focus on personal fall protection systems to increase worker safety while working at heights. This training will cover the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1.

  • Each participant will receive a certificate and wallet card
  • A,B,C,D, E of fall protection
  • Anchor point strength requirements
  • Body harness - how to properly donn and doff a harness
  • Connecting device - how to calculate your fall clearance distance so you don't go SPLAT
  • Deceleration device - what is it and why is it important? What is its role within the fall protection system?
  • Effective Emergency Rescue - What is deemed effective emergency rescue? 9-1-1 is not a rescue it's a body retrieval
  • Competent Person Limitations and Responsibilities
  • Choosing the right fall protection system - Fall Restraint vs. Fall Arrest
  • Factoring in swing fall and how it can injury a worker

$95.00 per person (min. 8 people)

This 4-hour course covers the required elements for full certification: Set-Up & Site Evaluation, primary assessment, rescue breathing, CPR Techniques, choking management, control of bleeding, shock management and hands-on auto external defibrillator (AED) training.

$200.00 per person (min. 10 people)

The lift training and refresher will be completed in two sessions and covers the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1.


Theory Session:

To conduct a 4-hour theory training session for your lift truck drivers. This training session can be done during a regular work day.

Video and power point training, which is designed to give the operator a good understanding of all the principles of using a lift truck will be used.

Written test which will determine the participant's knowledge of the principles that have been discussed. Participants will be issued a wallet card upon successful completion of the course.

Note: Participants must receive a score of 100% on the theory session if they which to participate in the practical session.


Practical Sessions:

To conduct practical lift training sessions - each driver will receive approximately 30 minutes of training and evaluation.

To complete the training we will need to know the name and type of the equipment used by your company. We will also require an operator's manual at least one week before the training.

$75.00 per person (min. 5 people)

This 2-hour course will cover the following information:

  • OSHA Lock Out/Tag Out Standard Information
  • Definitions of LOTO
  • Inspection Requirements
  • Documentation of inspections
  • Maintenance Requirements

$75.00 per person (min. 8 people)

In this course the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1 will be covered.


Upon completion of this 4-hour training course the student will be familiar with:

  • Hazard Determination
  • Hazardous Chemical List
  • Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Definitions associated with Hazard Communications
  • Hazardous Material Labeling System
  • Employee Training

$650.00 per person (min. 11 people)

This course fulfills your requirements for certification under 29 CFR, Part 1910.120, 229 CFR 1926.65 or other applicable state regulations for certification to the 24-hour Occasional Site Worker level.

$900.00 per person (min. 10 people)

HAZWOPER 40-Hour Training Course is required for workers that perform activities that expose or potentially expose them to hazardous substances. The course will cover the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1.

This course is specifically designed for workers who are involved in clean-up operations, voluntary clean-up operations, emergency response operations, and storage, disposal, or treatment of hazardous substances or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Topics include:

  • Protection against hazardous chemicals present on the site
  • Elimination of hazardous chemicals
  • Safety of workers and the environment
  • OSHA regulations, HIOSH and EM 385-1-1
  • Use of personal protective equipment
  • Work practices by which the employee can minimize risks from hazards
  • Safe use of engineering controls and equipment on the site
  • Medical surveillance requirements, including recognition of symptoms and signs which might indicate overexposure to hazards

$225.00 per person (min. 8 people)

This course covers broad issues pertaining to the hazard recognition at work sites. OSHA has developed the HAZWOPER program to protect the workers working at hazardous sites and devised extensive regulations to ensure their safety and health. This course, while identifying different types of hazards, also suggests possible precautions and protective measures to reduce or eliminate hazards at the work place. This course will cover the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1.

$75.00 per person (min. 5 people)

This 2-hour course will cover the following information:

  1. OSHA Ladder Standard Information
  2. Ladder Types
    1. Fiber glass
    2. Aluminum
    3. Extension
    4. Step Ladders
  3. Inspection Requirements
    1. Documentation of inspections
  4. Maintenance Requirements

$300.00 per person (min. 9 people)

OSHA requires that all employees be trained to recognize the hazards that exist in their workplace, about safety rules that apply for the work they do, and in the safe working practices to accomplish their work.


This class starts with OSHA Regulations for the Construction Industry. Your employees attending this session leave with a much better understanding of the structure of these rules, where to go to learn more, and the most frequently cited violations for each part.



  • Scaffolds and Ladders
  • Excavation and Trenching/Shoring
  • Electrical Safety
  • Floor and Wall Openings
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Health Hazards
  • Concrete and Masonry Construction
  • Steel Erection
  • Material Handling
  • Power Tools
  • Welding and Cutting
  • Heavy Equipment Operation

$700.00 per person (min. 9 people)

OSHA requires that all employees be trained to recognize the hazards that exist in their workplace, about safety rules that apply for the work they do, and in the safe working practices to accomplish their work.


This class starts with OSHA Regulations for the Construction Industry. Your employees attending this session leave with a much better understanding of the structure of these rules, where to go to learn more, and the most frequently cited violations for each part.

$200.00 per person (min. 5 people)

This 4-hour course will cover the protocols for respirator training/fit testing that meets EM 385-1-1, HIOSH 12-64.1, OSHA 1910.134, NAVOPINST 5100, AR 11-34, AFOSH and Coast Guard, review of OSHA revised standards as they pertain to Hawaii, NIOSH 42 CFR 84 Particulate standard and new respirator technology.

$75.00 per person (min. 8 people)

The lift training and refresher will be completed in two sessions and cover the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1.


Theory Session:

To conduct a 2-hour theory training session for your lift truck drivers. This training session can be done during a regular work day.

Video and power point training, which is designed to give the operator a good understanding of all the principles of using a lift truck will be used.

Written Test which will determine the participant's knowledge of the principles that have been discussed. Participants will be issued a wallet card upon successful completion of the course.

Note: Participants must receive a score 100% on the theory session if they which to participate in the practical session.


Practical Sessions:

To conduct practical lift training sessions - each driver will receive approximately 30 minutes of training and evaluation.


To complete the training we will need to know the name and type of the equipment used by your company. We will also require an operator's manual at least one week before the training.

$55.00 per person (min. 8 people)

This 2 hour course will cover what things an employer or on site employer representative must know when dealing with an OSHA Inspection. Learn what the inspectors need to do to identify themselves, can you make an inspector wait or not? Can the inspector question employees without a management representative being a part of it? Learn the overall process of how an OSHA Inspection is carried out:

  • Identification of the Inspector
  • Opening Conference
  • Inspection Tour
  • Closing Conference

$600.00 per person (min. 5 people)

We provide two Supervisor Safety Training Programs. One is called START which stands for Supervisors Training in Accident Reduction Technics and it teaches the Supervisors their respective levels of accountability in the event of an incident. It also talks about what is a safety culture and shares the true cost of incidents and the direct impact on the project and/or company's bottom line.


The other program is called On the Front Lines. It goes from the perspective of a company that thought they were doing well and had recently won a safety award and then had a significant incident. It goes to show the type of mentality that Management personnel as well as field personnel go through, especially when it's somebody that they all know. This program also teaches about incident costs and EMR rates and how it relates to the company's overall ability to bid competitively on projects.

$200.00 per person (min. 8 people)

This 4-hour course covers the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1, regarding safety related to pipe scaffolds including fall protection, electrical hazards, inspections, protective equipment.

Anyone who works on pipe scaffolding regardless of the height are required to take a four hour Supported Scaffold User Course. This includes frames that are only one section high, baker scaffolds, rolling towers, and stair towers. No one is exempt from this training certification including architects, engineers, and project managers.

$225.00 per person (min. 6 people)

This 6-hour supported scaffold training course will educate your personnel on how to minimize or avoid injury and follow the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1. In this class, your personnel will find out about getting at ramps, ladders, stairway towers, and walkways. They'll discover how to avoid hazards with beneficial housekeeping. In this supported scaffold training course they'll find out about the use of hard hats, debris-nets and toe boards. They'll find out about OSHA's height and guardrail regulations as well as suitable installation and assembly of industrial scaffolding. Industrial scaffolding certification training for supported scaffolds is mandatory by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

$225.00 per person (min. 5 people)

This is a 4-hour “competent person” course. The Trenching and Excavating Safety Course helps employers and employees comply with the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health (HIOSH) and EM 385-1-1, by determining what type of working hazards exist, how to correct them and the responsibilities of the competent person. It also conveys the importance of using the right protective system during excavation work. Participants receive a wallet-sized certificate of completion from RTS Consulting Inc.